Clash of the Demons
(OverDrive Listen)
""You can't make alliances with witches and suchlike and hope to avoid being drawn toward the dark.""
As the Spook's apprentice, Thomas Ward's first duty is to protect the County from ghosts, boggarts, and other dangerous creatures. But now his mother has come back from her homeland to seek his help. One of the most dangerous of the old witches, Ordeen, is about to return to earth, bringing with her suffering and devastation. Tom's mother has mustered a powerful army—including Tom's friend Alice, the Pendle witches, and the assassin Grimalkin—to confront Ordeen. If Tom joins them, the Spook will refuse to take Tom back as his apprentice. What sacrifices will be made in the battle against the dark?
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Level 5.7, 10 Points
Reviews from GoodReads
Joseph Delaney. (2009). Clash of the Demons. Unabridged Greenwillow Books.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Joseph Delaney. 2009. Clash of the Demons. Greenwillow Books.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Joseph Delaney, Clash of the Demons. Greenwillow Books, 2009.
MLA Citation (style guide)Joseph Delaney. Clash of the Demons. Unabridged Greenwillow Books, 2009.
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OverDrive Product Record
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- The Last Apprentice
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- fileAs: Delaney, Joseph
- bioText:
Joseph DELANEY is the author of the internationally best-selling The Last Apprentice series, which is now a major motion picture, Seventh Son. He is a former English teacher who lives in the heart of boggart territory in Lancashire, England. His village has a boggart called the Hall Knocker, which was laid to rest under the step of a house near the church.
- name: Joseph Delaney
- role: Narrator
- fileAs: Welch, Christopher Evan
- name: Christopher Evan Welch
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- Greenwillow Books
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- 2009-08-25T00:00:00Z
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- Unabridged
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- title
- Clash of the Demons
- fullDescription
""You can't make alliances with witches and suchlike and hope to avoid being drawn toward the dark.""
As the Spook's apprentice, Thomas Ward's first duty is to protect the County from ghosts, boggarts, and other dangerous creatures. But now his mother has come back from her homeland to seek his help. One of the most dangerous of the old witches, Ordeen, is about to return to earth, bringing with her suffering and devastation. Tom's mother has mustered a powerful army—including Tom's friend Alice, the Pendle witches, and the assassin Grimalkin—to confront Ordeen. If Tom joins them, the Spook will refuse to take Tom back as his apprentice. What sacrifices will be made in the battle against the dark?
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- 594591
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- value: Grade 3
- value: Grade 4
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- name: English
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- value: Fantasy
- value: Horror
- value: Juvenile Fiction
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- 8/25/2009
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- Audiobook
- shortDescription
""You can't make alliances with witches and suchlike and hope to avoid being drawn toward the dark.""
As the Spook's apprentice, Thomas Ward's first duty is to protect the County from ghosts, boggarts, and other dangerous creatures. But now his mother has come back from her homeland to seek his help. One of the most dangerous of the old witches, Ordeen, is about to return to earth, bringing with her suffering and devastation. Tom's mother has mustered a powerful army—including Tom's friend Alice, the Pendle witches, and the assassin Grimalkin—to confront Ordeen. If Tom joins them, the Spook will refuse to take Tom back as his apprentice. What sacrifices will be made in the battle against the dark?
- sortTitle
- Clash of the Demons
- lexileScore
- 800
- crossRefId
- 257687
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- series
- The Last Apprentice
- publisher
- Greenwillow Books
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- 5.7
- bisacCodes
- code: JUV001000
- description: Juvenile Fiction / Action & Adventure / General
- code: JUV018000
- description: Juvenile Fiction / Horror
- code: JUV037000
- description: JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy / General