Lulu and the Cat in the Bag
(OverDrive Read)
When a mysterious bag is left on Lulu's doorstep, the last thing her grandmother expects to be in it is a cat—a huge, neon orange cat. But Lulu knows this cat doesn't mean any harm and in fact it needs a lovely new home.
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Level 3.9, 1 Points
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Hilary McKay. (2013). Lulu and the Cat in the Bag. Albert Whitman & Company.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Hilary McKay. 2013. Lulu and the Cat in the Bag. Albert Whitman & Company.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Hilary McKay, Lulu and the Cat in the Bag. Albert Whitman & Company, 2013.
MLA Citation (style guide)Hilary McKay. Lulu and the Cat in the Bag. Albert Whitman & Company, 2013.
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OverDrive Product Record
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- name: Hilary McKay
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- value: Animals
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- value: Juvenile Fiction
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Award-winning author Hilary McKay has written many books for children, including Forever Rose and Caddys World. She lives in a small village in Derbyshire, England, with her family.Priscilla Lamont has illustrated numerous books for children, including All Kinds of Kisses and The Princess and the Pea. She lives in Kent, England, with her husband, the artist David Hayward.
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- role: Illustrator
- fileAs: Lamont, Priscilla
- name: Priscilla Lamont
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- Albert Whitman & Company
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- 2013-09-10T00:00:00Z
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- Lulu and the Cat in the Bag
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When a mysterious bag is left on Lulu's doorstep, the last thing her grandmother expects to be in it is a cat—a huge, neon orange cat. But Lulu knows this cat doesn't mean any harm and in fact it needs a lovely new home.
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- shortDescription
When a mysterious bag is left on Lulu's doorstep, the last thing her grandmother expects to be in it is a cat—a huge, neon orange cat. But Lulu knows this cat doesn't mean any harm and in fact it needs a lovely new home.
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- Lulu and the Cat in the Bag
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- Lulu
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- Albert Whitman & Company
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- description: Juvenile Fiction / Animals / General