The Wind in the Willows
(OverDrive Listen)
First published in 1907, The Wind in the Willows is a true classic for all ages about the timeless adventures of Mole, Rat Badger and Toad and their life on the river. When the timid Mole goes boating with his friend the Rat instead of doing his spring cleaning, it leads to plenty of fun and action as they come across the grumpy Badger and the incorrigible Toad, whose obsession with motor cars and speed leads to hilarious trouble.
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Level 8.2, 11 Points
Reviews from GoodReads
Kenneth Grahame. (2002). The Wind in the Willows. Unabridged Phoenix Books, Inc.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Kenneth Grahame. 2002. The Wind in the Willows. Phoenix Books, Inc.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows. Phoenix Books, Inc, 2002.
MLA Citation (style guide)Kenneth Grahame. The Wind in the Willows. Unabridged Phoenix Books, Inc, 2002.
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OverDrive Product Record
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- title
- The Wind in the Willows
- fullDescription
First published in 1907, The Wind in the Willows is a true classic for all ages about the timeless adventures of Mole, Rat Badger and Toad and their life on the river. When the timid Mole goes boating with his friend the Rat instead of doing his spring cleaning, it leads to plenty of fun and action as they come across the grumpy Badger and the incorrigible Toad, whose obsession with motor cars and speed leads to hilarious trouble.
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- value: Grade 8
- value: Grade 9
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- value: Juvenile Fiction
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- 06/2002
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- shortDescription
First published in 1907, The Wind in the Willows is a true classic for all ages about the timeless adventures of Mole, Rat Badger and Toad and their life on the river. When the timid Mole goes boating with his friend the Rat instead of doing his spring cleaning, it leads to plenty of fun and action as they come across the grumpy Badger and the incorrigible Toad, whose obsession with motor cars and speed leads to hilarious trouble.
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- Wind in the Willows
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- Phoenix Books, Inc.
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- description: Juvenile Fiction / General