The Dream Stalker
(OverDrive Listen)
When the Wind River Reservation agrees to a nuclear waste storage site in exchange for jobs and millions in revenue, murder points Vicky Holden and Father John toward a larger plot.
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Margaret Coel. The Dream Stalker. Unabridged Books in Motion.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Margaret Coel. The Dream Stalker. Books in Motion.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Margaret Coel, The Dream Stalker. Books in Motion.
MLA Citation (style guide)Margaret Coel. The Dream Stalker. Unabridged Books in Motion,
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OverDrive Product Record
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- The Dream Stalker
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When the Wind River Reservation agrees to a nuclear waste storage site in exchange for jobs and millions in revenue, murder points Vicky Holden and Father John toward a larger plot.
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When the Wind River Reservation agrees to a nuclear waste storage site in exchange for jobs and millions in revenue, murder points Vicky Holden and Father John toward a larger plot.
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- Father John and Vicky Holden
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- Books in Motion
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