Lulu and The Duck in the Park
(OverDrive Read)
Lulu rescues a duck egg and smuggles it into school for safekeepingLulu loves animals. When Lulu finds a duck egg that has rolled out of its nest, she takes it to class to keep it safe. Lulu isn't allowed to bring pets to school. But she's not really breaking the rules because it's just an egg. Surely nothing bad will happen . . . A fun-filled new series for early readers and animal lovers alike.
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Level 4.2, 1 Points
Reviews from GoodReads
Hilary McKay. (2013). Lulu and The Duck in the Park. Albert Whitman & Company.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Hilary McKay. 2013. Lulu and The Duck in the Park. Albert Whitman & Company.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Hilary McKay, Lulu and The Duck in the Park. Albert Whitman & Company, 2013.
MLA Citation (style guide)Hilary McKay. Lulu and The Duck in the Park. Albert Whitman & Company, 2013.
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OverDrive Product Record
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- Lulu and The Duck in the Park Lulu Series Book 01
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- value: Animals
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- value: Juvenile Fiction
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- fileAs: McKay, Hilary
- bioText:
Award-winning author Hilary McKay has written many books for children, including Forever Rose and Caddys World. She lives in a small village in Derbyshire, England, with her family.Priscilla Lamont has illustrated numerous books for children, including All Kinds of Kisses and The Princess and the Pea. She lives in Kent, England, with her husband, the artist David Hayward.
- name: Hilary McKay
- role: Illustrator
- fileAs: Lamont, Priscilla
- name: Priscilla Lamont
- publishDate
- 2013-03-12T00:00:00Z
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- title
- Lulu and The Duck in the Park
- fullDescription
Lulu rescues a duck egg and smuggles it into school for safekeepingLulu loves animals. When Lulu finds a duck egg that has rolled out of its nest, she takes it to class to keep it safe. Lulu isn't allowed to bring pets to school. But she's not really breaking the rules because it's just an egg. Surely nothing bad will happen . . . A fun-filled new series for early readers and animal lovers alike.
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- value: Grade 2
- value: Grade 3
- value: Grade 4
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- value: Juvenile Fiction
- value: Juvenile Literature
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- 03/12/2013
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- shortDescription
Lulu rescues a duck egg and smuggles it into school for safekeepingLulu loves animals. When Lulu finds a duck egg that has rolled out of its nest, she takes it to class to keep it safe. Lulu isn't allowed to bring pets to school. But she's not really breaking the rules because it's just an egg. Surely nothing bad will happen . . . A fun-filled new series for early readers and animal lovers alike.
- sortTitle
- Lulu and The Duck in the Park
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- 740
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- 1240479
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- series
- Lulu
- awards
- source: Association for Library Service to Children
- value: Notable Children's Books
- publisher
- Albert Whitman & Company
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- 4.2
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- code: JUV002000
- description: Juvenile Fiction / Animals / General