The Little Prince
(OverDrive Read)
The beloved classic story about a young prince's travels through space??—??a profound tale about loneliness and loss, and love and friendship.
A pilot crashes in the Sahara Deser and encounters a strange young boy who calls himself the Little Prince. The Little Prince has traveled there from his home on a lonely, distant asteroid with a single rose. The story that follows is a beautiful and at times heartbreaking meditation on human nature.
The Little Prince is one of the best-selling and most translated books of all time, universally cherished by children and adults alike, and Richard Howard's translation of the beloved classic beautifully reflects Saint-Exupéry's unique and gifted style, bringing the English text as close as possible to the French in language, style, and spirit.
This definitive English-language edition of The Little Prince will capture the hearts of readers of all ages.
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Reviews from GoodReads
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. (2000). The Little Prince. HMH Books.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. 2000. The Little Prince. HMH Books.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince. HMH Books, 2000.
MLA Citation (style guide)Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The Little Prince. HMH Books, 2000.
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OverDrive Product Record
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The beloved classic story about a young prince's travels through space??—??a profound tale about loneliness and loss, and love and friendship.
A pilot crashes in the Sahara Deser and encounters a strange young boy who calls himself the Little Prince. The Little Prince has traveled there from his home on a lonely, distant asteroid with a single rose. The story that follows is a beautiful and at times heartbreaking meditation on human nature.
The Little Prince is one of the best-selling and most translated books of all time, universally cherished by children and adults alike, and Richard Howard's translation of the beloved classic beautifully reflects Saint-Exupéry's unique and gifted style, bringing the English text as close as possible to the French in language, style, and spirit.
This definitive English-language edition of The Little Prince will capture the hearts of readers of all ages.- seriesId
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The beloved classic story about a young prince's travels through space??—??a profound tale about loneliness and loss, and love and friendship.
A pilot crashes in the Sahara Deser and encounters a strange young boy who calls himself the Little Prince. The Little Prince has traveled there from his home on a lonely, distant asteroid with a single rose. The story that follows is a beautiful and at times heartbreaking meditation on human nature.
The Little Prince is one of the best-selling and most translated books of all time, universally cherished by children and adults alike, and Richard Howard's translation of the beloved classic beautifully reflects Saint-Exupéry's unique and gifted style, bringing the English text as close as possible to the French in language, style, and spirit.
This definitive English-language edition of The Little Prince will capture the hearts of readers of all ages.- sortTitle
- Little Prince
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- The Little Prince
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- HMH Books
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- description: Young Adult Fiction / Classics