Five Children and It
(OverDrive Read)
The last thing Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane, and their baby brother expect to find while digging in the sand is a Psammead—an ancient Sand-fairy! Having a Sand-fairy for a pet means having one wish granted each day. But the fivesome doesn't realize all of the trouble that wishes can cause.
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Edith Nesbit. (2015). Five Children and It. Sheba Blake Publishing.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Edith Nesbit. 2015. Five Children and It. Sheba Blake Publishing.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Edith Nesbit, Five Children and It. Sheba Blake Publishing, 2015.
MLA Citation (style guide)Edith Nesbit. Five Children and It. Sheba Blake Publishing, 2015.
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OverDrive Product Record
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The last thing Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane, and their baby brother expect to find while digging in the sand is a Psammead—an ancient Sand-fairy! Having a Sand-fairy for a pet means having one wish granted each day. But the fivesome doesn't realize all of the trouble that wishes can cause.
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- Five Children and It
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The last thing Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane, and their baby brother expect to find while digging in the sand is a Psammead—an ancient Sand-fairy! Having a Sand-fairy for a pet means having one wish granted each day. But the fivesome doesn't realize all of the trouble that wishes can cause.
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- Sheba Blake Publishing
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