Bad Kitty
(OverDrive Listen)
From the creator of The New York Times bestseller Boing! comes the riotous story of a cat gone berserk — four times over an in alphabetical order each time. Kitty is not happy hen she's told that her favorite foods are all gone and all that's left are Asparagus, Beets, Cauliflower, Dill...and 22 other equally unappealing vegetables. So she: Ate my homework, Bit grandma, Clawed the curtains, Damaged the dishes, and so on, through Z. Only when tastier things arrive (An Assortment of Anchovies, Buffalo Burritos, Chicken Cheesecake...) does she Apologize to Grandma.
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Level 2.2, 0.5 Points
Reviews from GoodReads
Nick Bruel. (2012). Bad Kitty. Unabridged Macmillan Audio.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Nick Bruel. 2012. Bad Kitty. Macmillan Audio.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Nick Bruel, Bad Kitty. Macmillan Audio, 2012.
MLA Citation (style guide)Nick Bruel. Bad Kitty. Unabridged Macmillan Audio, 2012.
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OverDrive Product Record
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- name: Nick Bruel
- role: Author
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- fileAs: Bruel, Nick
- bioText: Nick Bruel is the creator of the New York Times bestselling Bad Kitty series. He lives with his family in Pleasantville, New York along with their sometimes-good-sometimes-bad cats Rose and Noodles.
- name: Nick Bruel
- role: Narrator
- fileAs: Williams, Vanessa
- name: Vanessa Williams
- role: Illustrator
- fileAs: Bruel, Nick
- bioText: Nick Bruel is the creator of the New York Times bestselling Bad Kitty series. He lives with his family in Pleasantville, New York along with their sometimes-good-sometimes-bad cats Rose and Noodles.
- name: Nick Bruel
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- Macmillan Young Listeners
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- 2012-01-17T00:00:00Z
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- Unabridged
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- Bad Kitty
- fullDescription
From the creator of The New York Times bestseller Boing! comes the riotous story of a cat gone berserk — four times over an in alphabetical order each time. Kitty is not happy hen she's told that her favorite foods are all gone and all that's left are Asparagus, Beets, Cauliflower, Dill...and 22 other equally unappealing vegetables. So she: Ate my homework, Bit grandma, Clawed the curtains, Damaged the dishes, and so on, through Z. Only when tastier things arrive (An Assortment of Anchovies, Buffalo Burritos, Chicken Cheesecake...) does she Apologize to Grandma.
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- 01/17/2012
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- shortDescription
From the creator of The New York Times bestseller Boing! comes the riotous story of a cat gone berserk — four times over an in alphabetical order each time. Kitty is not happy hen she's told that her favorite foods are all gone and all that's left are Asparagus, Beets, Cauliflower, Dill...and 22 other equally unappealing vegetables. So she: Ate my homework, Bit grandma, Clawed the curtains, Damaged the dishes, and so on, through Z. Only when tastier things arrive (An Assortment of Anchovies, Buffalo Burritos, Chicken Cheesecake...) does she Apologize to Grandma.
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- Bad Kitty
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- 560
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- 709769
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- Bad Kitty
- publisher
- Macmillan Audio
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- 2.2
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- description: Juvenile Fiction / Animals / Cats
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- description: Juvenile Fiction / Concepts / Alphabet
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- description: Juvenile Fiction / Humorous Stories