Chapter Book Read-Alouds for Ages 4-7

Ready for books that last for more than one sitting? Here are some suggestions to get your family started. Many of these are part of a series, too!

Showing 1 - 20 of 61  There are a total of 61 valid entries on the list.
Book cover for "My life in pictures"
Bea Garcia volume 1.
When budding artist Bea Garcia's best friend moves to Australia and a loud, rambunctious boy moves into her old house, Bea must learn to make new friends.
Book cover for "Ellie, engineer"
When Ellie, who loves to invent and build things, decides to build a doghouse as a gift, she needs to get past the boys-against-the-girls neighborhood feud and ask for help.
Book cover for "Clara Lee and the apple pie dream"
Korean American fourth-grader Clara Lee longs to be Little Miss Apple Pie, and when her luck seems suddenly to change for the better, she overcomes her fear of public speaking and enters the competition.
Book cover for "A boy called Bat"
Boy called BAT volume 1.
When his veterinarian mom brings home a stray baby skunk that needs rehabilitation before it can be placed in a wild animal shelter, Bat, who has austim, resolves to prove that he is up to the challenge of caring for the skunk permanently.
Book cover for "Little house in the big woods"
This beloved story of a pioneer girl and her family begins in 1871 in a log cabin on the edge of the Big Woods of Wisconsin. Laura lives in the little house with her pa, her ma, her sisters Mary and Carrie, and their dog, Jack. Pioneer life is sometimes hard for the family, but it is also exciting as they make their own homemade toys and treats, do the spring planting, bring in the harvest, and visit town. And every night Laura and her family are...
Book cover for "Charlotte's web"
"Wilbur, the pig, is desolate when he discovers that he is destined to be the farmer's Christmas dinner until his spider friend, Charlotte, decides to help him." --Library of Congress.
Book cover for "EllRay Jakes is not a chicken!"
Eight-year-old EllRay's father has promised a family trip to Disneyland if EllRay can stay out of trouble for a week, but not defending himself against Jared, the class bully, proves to be a real challenge.
Book cover for "All-of-a-kind family"
The adventures of five sisters growing up in a Jewish family in New York in the early twentieth century.
Book cover for "Indian shoes"
Together with Grampa, Ray Halfmoon, a Seminole-Cherokee boy, finds creative and amusing solutions to life's challenges.
Book cover for "The Van Gogh Cafe"
The Van Gogh Cafe, located in Flowers, Kansas, has magic in its walls, causing strange and mysterious events to occur there.
Book cover for "Gooseberry Park"
Gooseberry Park volume 1.
When a storm separates Stumpy the squirrel from her newborn babies, her animal friends come to the rescue.
Book cover for "In Aunt Lucy's kitchen"
While staying with their aunt for a year, three nine-year-old cousins keep busy baking and selling cookies, putting on a poetry and singing performance, and trying to encourage a romance between their aunt and one of their former customers.
Book cover for "Ruby Lu, brave and true"
Ruby Lu series volume 1.
"Almost-eight-year-old" Ruby Lu spends time with her baby brother, goes to Chinese school, performs magic tricks and learns to drive, and has adventures with both old and new friends.
Book cover for "The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe"
Four English schoolchildren find their way through the back of a wardrobe into the magic land of Narnia and assist its ruler, the golden lion Aslan, in defeating the White Witch who has cursed the land with eternal winter.
Book cover for "The fairy's return and other princess tales"
The six beloved Princess Tales books by a Newbery Honoree are now available in a single volume. Includes "The Fairy's Mistake, Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep, The Princess Test, Cinderellis and the Glass Hill, For Biddle's Sake," and "The Fairy's Return." All six of Levine's princess tales in one book.
Book cover for "Catwings"
Catwings series volume 0001
Le Guin wrote this highly acclaimed novel about a very special litter of kittens. Mrs. Jane Tabby has always longed to get away from the cramped alleys of the city. She knows it is too late for her, but she thinks her longing may be the reason her litter of kittens was born with wings. When they are old enough to fly, she sends the four kittens, who become known as catwings, out into the world to find their home. But they find that danger does not...
Book cover for "Bunnicula"
"This book is written by Harold. His full time occupation is dog. He lives with Mr. and Mrs. X (here called Monroe) and their sons Toby and Pete. Also sharing the home are a cat named Chester and a rabbit named Bunnicula. It is because of Bunnicula that Harold turned to writing. Someone had to tell the full story of what happened in the Monroe household after the rabbit arrived. It all began when the Monroes went to see the movie Dracula. At the...
Book cover for "Basketball Bats"
Gym shorts volume 1.
Henry and his basketball teammates, the Bats, take on the Tigers, and Henry learns a lesson about working as a team. The first book of the action-filled Gym shorts series.
Book cover for "The wind in the willows"
"Meek little Mole, willful Ratty, Badger the perennial bachelor, and petulant Toad. Since their first appearance over a hundred years ago in 1908, they've become emblematic archetypes of eccentricity, folly, and friendship. And their misadventures--in gypsy caravans, stolen sports cars, and their beloved Wild Wood--continue to capture readers' imaginations and warm their hearts long after they grow up. Begun as a series of letters from Kenneth Grahame...
Book cover for "A tarantula in my purse"
A collection of autobiographical stories about raising a houseful of children and wild pets including crows, skunks, and raccoons.