Amazing Monty
(Kindle Book, OverDrive Read)
"Hurwitz writes in a tender, positive manner." — School Library Journal
A new sibling is just one of the surprises — some good, some not so much — awaiting Monty in another story for early chapter book readers. In this gently humorous adventure, Monty faces the unpredictable, everyday turns of a first-grader's life with his usual lovable charm.
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Johanna Hurwitz. (2013). Amazing Monty. Candlewick Press.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Johanna Hurwitz. 2013. Amazing Monty. Candlewick Press.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Johanna Hurwitz, Amazing Monty. Candlewick Press, 2013.
MLA Citation (style guide)Johanna Hurwitz. Amazing Monty. Candlewick Press, 2013.
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OverDrive Product Record
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- name: Johanna Hurwitz
- role: Author
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- keywords
- value: Animals
- value: family
- value: Pets
- value: big sister
- value: big brother
- value: baby
- value: birds
- value: New Baby
- value: babies
- value: early readers
- value: learning to read
- value: animal books
- value: baby shower
- value: bird books
- value: books for kids 5-7
- value: childrens books by age 5-8
- value: childrens books by age 6 8
- value: animal books for kids ages 6-8
- value: books for 5 year old boys
- value: books for 5 year old girls
- value: books for 6 year old girls
- value: books for 6 year old boys
- value: first chapter books
- value: kids books ages 6-8
- value: books for new readers
- creators
- role: Author
- fileAs: Hurwitz, Johanna
- bioText:
Johanna Hurwitz has been writing children's books since she was eight years old. However, it took until she was thirty-eight for her first book to be published. Since then she has published regularly. "It's not a contest to see who can write the most," she insists. One of her favorite children's authors is E. B.White, and Johanna's parents read Stuart Little to her when she was very young. "He only wrote three children's books but each is a gem. It would be wonderful if half a century from now children are still enjoying some of my books."
Before she became a published author, Johanna got a master's degree in library science and worked as a children's librarian at the New York Public Library and at several other libraries. She is married and has two grown children and three grandchildren. Many of her stories grew out of experiences that she or family members actually had. In her book Mighty Monty, she describes Monty's karate class. Her grandson, Ethan, and granddaughter Juliet have both taken karate lessons. Before long granddaghter Fiona will inspire some ideas too.
The biggest thing that most people don't know about Johanna Hurwitz is that her parents met in a bookstore. No wonder she loves books so much. Other suprising details about Johanna are that she adores elephants and Babar is one of her very favorite story-book characters. Johanna enjoys traveling, and her goal is to speak in all fifty states. So far she has been to forty-four. If you live in Utah, Montana, Oklahoma, Hawaii, Idaho, or Delaware, she'd love to go there too. (Hint, hint) - name: Johanna Hurwitz
- role: Illustrator
- fileAs: McGrory, Anik
- name: Anik McGrory
- publishDate
- 2013-09-10T00:00:00Z
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- True
- title
- Amazing Monty
- fullDescription
"Hurwitz writes in a tender, positive manner." — School Library Journal
A new sibling is just one of the surprises — some good, some not so much — awaiting Monty in another story for early chapter book readers. In this gently humorous adventure, Monty faces the unpredictable, everyday turns of a first-grader's life with his usual lovable charm.- seriesId
- 843747
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- value: Grade 2
- value: Grade 3
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- name: English
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- value: Juvenile Fiction
- value: Juvenile Literature
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- 09/10/2013
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- shortDescription
"Hurwitz writes in a tender, positive manner." — School Library Journal
A new sibling is just one of the surprises — some good, some not so much — awaiting Monty in another story for early chapter book readers. In this gently humorous adventure, Monty faces the unpredictable, everyday turns of a first-grader's life with his usual lovable charm.- sortTitle
- Amazing Monty
- lexileScore
- 600
- crossRefId
- 1387529
- classifications
- series
- Monty
- publisher
- Candlewick Press
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- 4
- bisacCodes
- code: JUV002040
- description: Juvenile Fiction / Animals / Birds
- code: JUV002190
- description: Juvenile Fiction / Animals / Pets
- code: JUV013040
- description: Juvenile Fiction / Family / New Baby