CCBC Choices 2024 -- Teens (ages 12 and up)

The Cooperative Children's Book Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison compiles a yearly list of excellent books for youth readers.

Showing 1 - 1 of 1  There are a total of 92 valid entries on the list.
Book cover for More than a dream.
Historical People, Places, and Events;12-up
"Six decades ago, on August 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic 'I Have a Dream' speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom--a moment often revered as the culmination of this Black-led protest. But at its core, the March on Washington was not a beautiful dream of future integration; it was a mass outcry for jobs and freedom NOW--not at some undetermined point in the future. It was a revolutionary march with its...