Book List - JLF Colorado 2024

Prepare for an exhilarating journey into the world of literature, as JLF Colorado returns with more than 50 incredible speakers. Join us from September 14 to 15 in Boulder, Colorado, to experience the vibrant energy of the Jaipur Literature Festival, famously hailed as "the greatest literary show on Earth." For more information, visit Book list created 7/31/24.

Showing 1 - 1 of 1  There are a total of 72 valid entries on the list.
Book cover for "Love letters from Golok"
Love Letters from Golok chronicles the courtship between two Buddhist tantric masters, Tāre Lhamo (1938-2002) and Namtrul Rinpoche (1944-2011), and their passion for reinvigorating Buddhism in eastern Tibet during the post-Mao era. In fifty-six letters exchanged from 1978 to 1980, Tāre Lhamo and Namtrul Rinpoche envisioned a shared destiny to "heal the damage" done to Buddhism during the years leading up to and including the Cultural Revolution....