Family Play Festival Five Practices: READ

CLEL Bell Award books--winners and shortlisted titles

Showing 1 - 20 of 65  There are a total of 65 valid entries on the list.
Book cover for "When you love a book"
2025 Winner
"A book is a friend found in all shapes and sizes, a buddy who’s bound to be full of surprises. And when you grow bigger your books grow big, too. A book is forever the right size for you.... 'When You Love a Book' is a poetic ode to readers and the way the stories we read as children have the ability to shape our lives forever" --
Book cover for "You can read to me!"
2025 Shortlist
"It's never too early to start reading with your baby! In fact, reading is a perfect way to bond and help build your baby's language skills. You are your baby's best reader: read wherever and whenever works for you. A sweet, simple story featuring photographs of diverse families reading with their infants during the formative first months of life. These were guided by community-based research led by pediatricians exploring concerns and hopes regarding...
Book cover for "Words are magic!"
2025 Shortlist
"Scripps National Spelling Bee champion Zaila Avant-garde teaches young readers about the joy of learning new words in this Step 1 leveled reader"--
Book cover for "I lived inside a whale"
2025 Shortlist
A quiet child in a boisterous family, Emma Wen dreams of a world that is peaceful and silent. When she reads about the blue whale – with a heart so big her father could stand in it – she has an idea. She fashions a boat out of household objects and sails from her bedroom into the mouth of a whale, where she settles in happily. Emma has finally found her peace and quiet. That is until another child, Owen Tang, arrives inside the whale and is...
Book cover for "Go and get with Rex"
2025 Shortlist
"Jack, Jill, and Rex are excited to play a game of Go and Get! The rules are simple: on the count of three, each player must go and get something that begins with a certain letter. While Jack's and Jill's picks always fit the bill (What starts with F? Frog! Fish!), Rex keeps getting it wrong (a duck?)-or does he? David LaRochelle and Mike Wohnoutka share a laugh-out-loud primer on subverting expectations that will have readers clamoring to play Go...
Book cover for "This is a story"
2024 Winner
"Children's literacy advocate John Schu and Caldecott Honor recipient Lauren Castillo celebrate the power of finding the perfect book--in a story that's more relevant than ever. With a sea-horse kite in hand, a child heads out with Dad to the library. On the way they stop at a park, joining lots of people, some of whom are flying kites, too. At the library, a person toting a big pile of books hands over a story on a favorite subject: the sea horse....
Book cover for "Benita and the night creatures"
2024 Shortlist
Benita loves to read in bed but keeps getting interrupted by a whistling Tunche, a scary Supay and other spooky creatures from Peruvian lore. To the creatures' disbelief, Benita is so absorbed by her book that she's not the least bit scared of them. This humorous celebration of bedtime reading puts a global twist on taking the "scary" out of monsters.
Book cover for "Benita y las criaturas nocturnas"
2024 Shortlist
"Espeluznantes criaturas del folclore peruano quieren asustar a Benita. ¿Podrá leer su libro en paz?"--Page 4 of cover.
Book cover for "Once upon a book"
2024 Shortlist
A little girl named Alice opens on a book on a rainy day and travels around the world through its pages.
Book cover for "Sam with ants in his pants"
2024 Shortlist
Sam is not ready for naptime. Momma says he has ants in his pants and that he must calm down, but Sam says "NOOOOOO!" and flies off to his bedroom. He flips open his favorite book--African Wildlife--and out jumps a herd of gazelles...followed by a pride of lions...and then a zeal of zebras. And that's just the beginning! How can Sam ever be expected to take a nap?!
Book cover for "This is the first book I will read to you"
2024 Shortlist
It's baby's first story time and a new dad is excited to read to his child. He's also a little nervous. Which book should he choose? And what if it doesn't settle the baby to sleep? After bath time, picking out pj's, and the perfect swaddle, it's time to cuddle up to read together. And begins the special journey that only starts when a book is opened. Father and baby are transported to the soothing world of their story, sharing the special love of...
Book cover for "Bathe the Cat"
2023 Winner
It's cleaning day, but the family cat will do anything to avoid getting a bath. So instead of mopping the floor or feeding the fish, the family is soon busy rocking the rug, vacuuming the lawn, and sweeping the dishes. Bouncy rhyme carries the story headlong into the growing hilarity, until finally Dad restores some kind of order -- but will the family cat avoid getting his whiskers wet? The cat keeps scrambling the list of chores with hilarious effects....
Book cover for "The book that did not want to be read"
2023 Shortlist
A humorous interactive story about a book that does not want to be read and will do just about anything it can to make you give up and put it down.
Book cover for "Everywhere with you"
2023 Shortlist
Two houses, with a fence between. On one side lives a dog, and on the other side lives a girl. Each alone...
Book cover for "Dear reader"
2023 Shortlist
A voracious young reader pens a love letter to libraries and books, going to the library and poring through books all day, making friends with characters and going off on exciting adventures with them. However, the more she reads, the more she notices that most of the books don't have characters that look like her, and the only ones that do tell about the most painful parts of their history. Where are the heroines with Afros exploring other planets...
Book cover for "A library"
2023 Shortlist
"In what other place can a child 'sail their dreams' and 'surf the rainbow' without ever leaving the room? This ode to libraries is a celebration for everyone who loves stories, from seasoned readers to those just learning to love words, and it will have kids and parents alike imagining where their library can take them. This inspiring read-aloud includes stunning illustrations and a note from Nikki Giovanni about the importance of libraries in her...
Book cover for "Te haré tu propio librero ="
2022 Winner
"En este dulce cuento en rima, el amor por la lectura comienza con un humilde librero casero. 'Te haré tu propio librero' celebra lo maravilloso que es leer con nuestros seres queridos y nos recuerda que la magia de la lectura ninca envejecerá." --contraportada. Illustrations and rhyming text portray a loved one who promises to build a home library to hold treasures that grow and change along with their special child.
Book cover for "The little library"
2022 Shortlist
"Jake, a reluctant reader, becomes a book lover when the new librarian finds Jake a book about woodworking." --
Book cover for "Where do words come from?"
2022 Shortlist
"Words are everywhere. But do you know where your favorite words come from? Maybe they plop to the ground from high up in the sky! Or maybe workers piece them together in big factories. Or maybe they come from a one-of-a-kind word-maker . . . but who could that be? Vivid letter-filled illustrations explore imaginative ways words are made as this book shares the secret to creating new words . . ."--jacket.
Book cover for "Book's big adventure"
2022 Shortlist
When Book was new, it had many exciting adventures but over time, it leaves the library less and less often until, at last, it is given away and begins again.