Return to the Library of Doom

Dahl, Michael
Showing 1 - 10 of 10
Book cover for "The book that ate my brother".
Jack writes a letter to the Librarian because he needs help. His brother has been eaten by a book!
Book cover for "Inkfoot".
The Librarian helps Owen defeat the legendary Inkfoot.
Book cover for "Rats on the Page".
A mysterious picture book turns children into hungry rat creatures. The rats travel through the sewers of the Library of Doom and begin to devour the library\u2019s most precious treasures.
Book cover for "The Sea of Lost Books".
The underwater library has been attacked. The Librarian will have to retrieve all of the lost books.
Book cover for "The Vampire Chapter".
Someone, or something, is draining all the books of their ink.
Book cover for "Zombie in the Library".
A zombie, made of unread and discarded books, comes to life during a lighting storm. A young boy makes the mistake of visiting the library after hours, and comes face to face with the hungry creature!
Book cover for "Blood in the library".
The Librarian was last seen heading toward the Under Library to confront the Eraser, and the Archivists fear that he is dead--but is he really?
Book cover for "Dictionary of 1,000 rooms".
Three of the Librarian's pages are trapped in the Wordsmith's fortress maze, the Diction Aerie--can the Librarian save them and still return in time to protect the Library?
Book cover for "Ghost Writer".
A vengeful writer sends his enemies mysterious blank books, which turn them into phantoms! The Librarian and the Specialist must save a young boy from the evil ghost writer.
Book cover for "Killer app".
The new RavenWing app downloads more than horror stories: it unleashes a swarm of attacking ravens on the unwary user--can the Librarian return the birds to their proper book?