Thursday, Sept. 26 — Main Library is hosting the Boulder Library Foundation's 50th Gala on Thursday. Second floor public computers will be unavailable and Main will close at 4:30 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 27 — All locations will be closed for staff training.

Alternator books. STEM smackdown

Kenney, Karen Latchana
Hamen, Susan E
Showing 1 - 6 of 6
Book cover for "Who invented the airplane?".
Do you know who invented the airplane? Most believe it was the Wright brothers, but what if a German immigrant named Gustave Whitehead beat them to the punch? You'll never view the history of flight in the same way again!
Book cover for "Who invented the light bulb?".
Most Americans believe that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. But British scientist Joseph Swan was working on this invention at the same time. Patent battles, lies, and determination fill out this race to create the first usable light bulb!
Book cover for "Who invented the movie camera?".
Most believe Thomas Edison was the mastermind of motion picture but what if William Friese-Greene patented the movie camera before him? Watch as these inventors fight to be the first to bring movies to the public in this invention showdown!
Book cover for "Who invented the radio?".
You may have heard that Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio, but the inventor Nikola Tesla was working on radio technology at the same time! See how two invention powerhouses faced off in a race to create the first long-range radio.
Book cover for "Who invented the telephone?".
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone or did he? Inventor Antonio Santi Giuseppe Meucci was also working on a telephone at the same time. Watch Meucci and Bell race to be first to the invention finish line.
Book cover for "Who invented the television?".
David Sarnoff is often called the Father of Television but what if farm boy Philo T. Farnsworth deserves the credit for inventing the TV? Follow along as an underdog inventor takes on a high-profile executive in an exciting battle.