Thursday, Sept. 26 — Main Library is hosting the Boulder Library Foundation's 50th Gala on Thursday. Second floor public computers will be unavailable and Main will close at 4:30 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 27 — All locations will be closed for staff training.

First discovery books

Bourgoing, Pascale de
de Bourgoing, Pascale
Verdet, Jean-Pierre
Millet, Claude
Delafosse, Claude
Mettler, Rene
Cohat, Elisabeth
Fuhr, Ute
Grant, Donald
Chabot, Jean-Philippe
Peyrols, Sylvaine
Perols, Sylvaine
Showing 1 - 24 of 24

1. Colors

Book cover for "Colors".
Explores the magic of colors on spiral-bound transparent pages.

2. Fruit

Book cover for "Fruit".
An introduction to both familiar and exotic fruits, on transparent spiral-bound pages.

3.  Weather

Cover Image

4.  The Earth and sky

Cover Image

5.  The egg

Cover Image

6.  The tree

Cover Image

7.  Castles

Cover Image
Book cover for "Flowers".
Provides information about flowers, covering the life cycle of a dandelion, phototropism, pollination, and drying and displaying flowers. Includes transparent overlays.

9.  Light

Cover Image

10.  Pyramids

Cover Image

11.  The rain forest

Cover Image
Book cover for "The seashore".

13.  Under the ground

Cover Image

14.  Bees

Cover Image

15.  Butterflies

Cover Image

16.  Atlas of islands

Cover Image

17.  Internet

Cover Image

18.  Butterflies

Cover Image

19.  Dinosaurs

Cover Image

20.  The human body

Cover Image

21.  Ladybugs and other insects

Cover Image

22.  Night creatures

Cover Image

23.  Penguins

Cover Image

24.  The universe

Cover Image