Time quintet

L'Engle, Madeleine
Showing 1 - 5 of 5
Book cover for "A wrinkle in time".
Series Volume:
Meg Murry, her brother Charles Wallace, and their friend Calvin O'Keefe become involved with unearthly strangers and a search for Meg's father, who has disappeared while engaged in secret work for the government.
Book cover for "A wind in the door".
Series Volume:
It is November. When Meg comes home from school, Charles Wallace tells her he saw dragons in the twin's vegetable garden. That night Meg, Calvin and C.W. go to the vegetable garden to meet the Teacher (Blajeny) who explains that what they are seeing isn't a dragon at all, but a cherubim named Proginoskes. It turns out that C.W. is ill and that Blajeny and Proginoskes are there to make him well – by making him well, they will keep the balance of...
Book cover for "A swiftly tilting planet".
Series Volume:
The youngest of the Murray children must travel through time and space in a battle against an evil dictator who would destroy the entire universe.
Book cover for "Many waters".
Series Volume:
The fifteen-year-old Murry twins, Sandy and Dennys, are accidentally sent back to a strange Biblical time period, in which mythical beasts roam the desert and a man named Noah is building a boat in preparation for a great flood.
Book cover for "An acceptable time".
Series Volume:
Polly's visit to her grandparents in Connecticut becomes an extraordinary experience as she encounters old friends and mysterious stangers and finds herself traveling back in time to play a crucial role in a prehistoric confrontation.